Make water by minting water tokens
$water is mined using proof-of-water, an open protocol for generating water by selling tokenized water credits.
We are building a platform to incentivize the generation of water from positive sources, such as sustainable desalination, by creating a voluntary water market.
Our MissionTransparency Around Sources of Water
We are creating trust-less transparency so anyone can determine where water is generated, who produced it and what environmental impact it has.
Proof of Water
We believe this can be done by creating a trustworthy and verifiable water credit that anyone can purchase in order to claim water ownership and offset water.
Offsetting Water Usage
We allow organizations to focus on their operational expertise while supporting the direct gallon-for-gallon replacement of water consumption with credits generated from sustainable water producers.

Any individual, corporation or organization can buy and hold WATER as a way to support water projects and create a market for producers to generate more water.

Qualified water producers can earn WATER and generate proceeds by submitting projects that will receive water credits when water is generated.

Retire WATER
Anyone who holds WATER can retire it at any time in order to offset local water consumption and claim ownership over the water that was generated.

Redeem WATER
WATER is digital water contract for water that can be redeemed by the holder in order to receive physical water in a specified delivery location.